In the earlier blog about the 3rd semester, I had mentioned about waiting for the grade of one more subject. Finally, the results have come.
=============================================================================== SNo.Course No. Course Title EC-1 EC-2 EC-3 Total Final (10%)(30%)(60%) (100%) Grade =============================================================================== 1. BITS ZG659 TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION 9.50 18.00 45.50 73.00 A- 2. SS ZG515 DATA WAREHOUSING 8.00 18.00 39.00 65.00 B- 3. IS ZC424 SOFTWARE FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 7.00 11.50 34.50 53.00 A- 4. EEE ZG512 EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 9.33 13.50 35.00 57.83 B- ===============================================================================Current CGPA : 7.71
Yes, I have completed 3 semesters. One last semester to go. Cant wait for it to happen!